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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get started with SceneryStack?

Head over to the Development Pathways Guide.

How do I get started making a simulation?

Head over to the Development Pathways Guide for Path 2.

What is tandem?

Scenerystack provides a way of providing unique identifiers to different instances as they are created (i.e., a label for an instance of a class). There is a type named Tandem.ts that supports this in the tandem library:

You may see tandem used in other libraries in the stack.

PhET Interactive Simulations uses tandem when creating the PhET-iO feature set for clients.

Generally, it is advised that you avoid, ignore, or remove the use of tandem in your SceneryStack code, unless you are working with PhET to create a simulation.

How do I create my own brand for my simulation project?

Instructions for creating your own brand can be found in the brand repository README.

Note: The "phet" and "phet-io" brands are reserved for use by PhET Interactive Simulations only. The PhET logo is a registered trademark and is only permitted for use by the PhET team at the University of Colorado. The "adapted-from-phet" brand is encouraged for usage in simulations with minor modifications. It provides a black-and-white "Adapted from PhET" logo. This brand can also be used for new simulations based on the PhET libraries, but another option is to create your own brand, which will allow you to easily integrate your own splash screen, company logo and other features.

Do I have to use TypeScript or can I use JavaScript only?

Using TypeScript is recommended if possible. At this time, most of SceneryStack is written in TypeScript (TS), while some are still written in JavaScript (JS), with future updates to the libraries converting JS to TS. The simulation tooling in use by PhET to create simulations assumes TS integration concerning type enforcement, and you may run into difficulties using JS.


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