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Dynamic Strings Layout Quickstart Guide

Table of Contents

  • First Steps
  • PatternStringProperty
  • Testing

First Steps

Strings should be converted to TReadOnlyProperty instances. These properties are auto-generated in the strings file, and every single usage case should be converted.

Certain components may need to be set to resizable: true. If you see that components are not resizing as expected, this is a good place to start.

You can define support for dynamic locale in the package.json. It is recommended to wait until all strings have bring converted to use the *stringProperty from the strings file. If you know that you will not need to support dynamic locale for your publication, you can opt out in the package.json like:

  "simFeatures": {
    "supportsDynamicLocale": false

PatternStringProperty and DerivedStringProperty

For situations where a pattern string is needed generally use PatternStringProperty. This replaces the pattern where we use StringUtils.fillIn(). Refer to PatternStringProperty.ts for implementation documentation. There may be rare/specific situations where PatternStringProperty is not needed. Also know that these are likely good cases for DerivedStringProperty, which should be used for i18n derived, non-pattern strings. We prefer DerivedStringProperty to DerivedProperty<string> for PhET-iO consistency.


If your sim has been published and has translations:

Run with ?locales=* to enable the locale-testing button (globe) in the navigation bar. Open the locale dialog by pressing the globe button in the navigation bar. Press and hold while moving the pointer over locale names. This changes the locale. Watch for layout problems. Fix any layout problems that are identified. For example, if a Text node needs to remain centered on something, then a boundsProperty listener may be needed.

If you are working on an unpublished sim:

Use the stringTest=dynamic query parameter to change all the strings in your sim at once. DynamicStringTest uses a keyboard event listener to adjust the length of strings with the arrow keys and space bar. For more specific usage info refer to DynamicStringTest documentation. This tool will allow you to see if dynamic layout is working as anticipated, and that components are resizing as would be expected. Strings will only change if they have been implemented with a TReadOnlyProperty from the strings file.

Final Steps

To support dynamic locales in your sim update your package.json with:

  "simFeatures": {
    "supportsDynamicLocale": true

This will create a Typescript error if the old style of strings is used, forcing you to access i18n strings via the *StringProperty key.

CM tracked some useful roadblocks that came up during Natural Selection conversion here: