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Join the SceneryStack Community

We welcome you to the community in any way you would like to participate. Interested in using SceneryStack for your purposes? Making an educational simulation? Looking to chat with others in the science interactives world (using SceneryStack or not!)? Find your way to engage below:

But first!

Read our, GitHub’s policies, and our before creating or contributing to a discussion or to the codebase.


When posting a question or problem, provide context. What problem are you trying to solve? What are the exact steps to recreate the problem for others to reproduce?

  1. Make a post in the Discussions forum
    • Help and respond to others in the Discussions forum. Have you encountered a similar problem or tried to implement a similar feature? Share your experiences!
    • Share with us what you are using SceneryStack code for! Share in the Show and Tell category of the Discussion forum.
  2. Join our chat! We have synchronized Slack and Matrix channels for the community to discuss and collaborate. Choose whichever platform you prefer:
  3. Contribute to SceneryStack (code, ideas, documentation, examples, anything!)
  4. Have a great idea for how you or your community might connect to SceneryStack? Reach out to to discuss opportunities!